Oh gosh... I don't know why but I realise that more chained cafes or restaurants are entering Lintas area and that's where the hole in our pocket are getting larger.
Been wanted to try Brooklyn for a while and since the first store at 1 Borneo operated, I think "Food God" heard my words (^_^) and the chained store started their second store at Lintas Plaza last month!
- Brooklyn Restaurant -
The restaurant offered 25% off on our bill as a opening promotion and very attentive personnel they have hired as well. :)
- The American Burgers -
The largest Cyclone Beef Burger @ RM55.90 that Brooklyn offers a free meal if a person can finish the whole plate of burger within limited time frame. 8 inch wide..... OMG! It might seen impossible to finish but there's possibility of finishing it as well!
So, three of us had our first lunch at Brooklyn and we had all the following and price stated are after discount. ;)
- Bloody Eyeball @ RM6.38 -
- Strawberry Shake @ RM6.38 -
I had Bloody Eyeball and it was extremely sweet and almost took my lungs out while Strawberry Shake was tasted so-so.
- Black Pepper Chicken Chop with Butter Rice @ RM14.18 and Tex Med Dog @ RM13.43 -
I like Tex Med Dog, it looks spicy but actually still acceptable and I love the fresh potato chips. The whole plate was light for me and I like the hotdog (not sausage) in it.
As for the Black Pepper Chicken Chop and Butter Rice, my manager and colleague said that if only the meat marinated longer, it will definitely taste even better.
- Mud Pie with Ice Cream @ RM8.93 -
It looks scary for me. We wanted to have waffles, but it wasn't available and we ordered another dessert.
It was not chocolate lava cake which chocolate will burst out from inside the 8 minutes baked cake. It was warm chocolate syrup pour on top of the cake and top up with vanilla ice cream. Taste was okay for me.
1 Borneo Hypermall
Lintas Plaza
Brooklyn Restaurant, Kota Kinabalu
Taken with Samsung Galaxy Note