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家乡味之 云集酒楼,担波罗里 The Classic Taste by Wun Chiap Restaurant @Tamparuli, Sabah

大约45分钟车程, 来至亚庇的我们终于到达了担波罗里(Tamparuli)老镇。 


When they mentioned Tamparuli, it reminds me of the song "Jambatan Tamparuli". 

That "Pak Pak Kang Ku Do. SuMuSui Do Jambatan.

Jambatan Do Tamparuli. Ba Kasut Tinggi O Ku." :)

After 45 minutes of on the road journey, we arrived at Tamparuli again! And its' noodle time again!

- 春卷肉圆汤 Spring Rolls and Meatball Soup - 

家乡味的春卷肉圆汤。 如果没错的话,这是本土的客家人的特色,起源于客家人。

Spring rolls and meatball soup. A hot bowl of soup along with their handmade fried egg noodles, do make a good combination.

- 叉烧煎蛋 与 炒面 Fried Eggs with Roasted Meat and Fried Egg Noodles -

简单的早餐, 这也是我家假日的早餐。 爸爸特地驾车带着我们去凑热闹, 吃碟炒面! 哈哈!它就是鼎鼎有名的 Tamparuli 炒面!

Breakfast that we had during public holidays most of the time, even the owner know my dad. My dad love to go bring us to Tamparuli, just for the plate of fried egg noodle. And that's the specialty of Wun Chiap Restaurant.

- 客家特色 与 Tamparuli 炒面 The Yong Taufu, Yong Egg and Tamparuli Fried Noodle -

酿豆腐 与 酿鸡蛋卷。这都是客家的特色, 豆腐平日都可以吃到,但是鸡蛋卷只有假日或星期天才会卖。卖完就没啦!他们的年轻一辈的家人只有假日才可以回乡帮忙, 所以一天售卖的鸡蛋卷非常有限!

The "Yong" dishes. Originated from the Hakkas. Just to let you know, the egg rolls covering the minced meat only serves on public holidays and weekends. It is because the family members who studies/ works in KK are back to Tamparuli to lend a hand. :)   

- 云集特色 The Special Dishes by Wun Chiap -

还记得我与NTV7 的拍摄取景那天, 这都是老板, 老板娘好心为我们准备的料理, 但是部分没在本店菜单上! 有福咯~ 感恩!原本提防我们的老板们渐渐对我们也好了起来,第一次本店上节目还有尤其是是当他们知道了#张顺源(本国马来西亚明星)到访/ 主持#爱食客节目! 保持低调, 别说有明星到此。 哈哈! 非常搞笑的!

I still remember the day during the video shoot for "Foodie Blogger"(NTV7), part of the dishes served by the owner and not in the menu though. :) In fact, the owners were not that friendly but in the end, especially when there's #Ernest Chong, the Malaysian artist, the whole atmosphere become friendlier.

- 我本人,老板与家人 还有 张顺源 A group photo of Us -

还是小妹妹最厉害! 告诉妈妈有明星! 很高兴NTV7 #爱食客 可以享受到当地美食, 尤其是这个家乡味的Tamparuli 炒面。 这代也许是最后的继承人, 我们的下一代也无法享用了。

他们问我为何介绍这间茶店, 我只回答最特别的手打鸡蛋面, 酿鸡蛋卷,还有那间老店的存在,那座桥作为 Tamparuli 地标。最重要的是从小都来这间吃那碟炒面的味道!一路上的风景 的确迷人,也只有幸运的人才可以看到那个所谓雄伟的神山呢!!最终该说的是,全世界的每一个老镇都值得分享与被了解。

Before we left for our next video shoot, we took a group photo with the owner and his family members. I am glad that #Foodie Blogger crews could have a taste of one of our well known local delicacies.

For our information, this generation of Wun Chiap Restaurant should be the last generation to run the business. Therefore, visiting to the restaurant should be one of our to do list before the end.

- 两位主持人 The Co-Host and Host of #Foodie Blogger -

一张与#张顺源的合照做为纪念。人生的第一次上节目真的还蛮不错的经验, 看着NTV7 #爱食客 的制作团体的热情以及专业对于他们的制作行程, 真的大开眼界。

A photo with #Ernest Chong at Wun Chiap Restaurant as remembrance. Experiencing to be the co-host for the first time in my life, especially on screen really opens my eye and getting to make new friends from another field personally.

位于 : 

Location : 
The block next to SJK (C) Chung Hwa Tamparuli .

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