终于慢慢的恢复正常生活! 我也需要快马加鞭的博上新美食探险以及旅游景点以及新事件咯!
It's been a long relax holiday. Busy with so many little things that some of you might be wondering. :)
Well, I do have friends and clients who asked me whether I'm still in to blogging or not? In fact, YES! Passion with meeting new people and learning new things. :) And of course! Indulging new food!
拭目以待吧, 朋友!如果您是亚庇部落客, 请您把您的details电邮至我吧! meitzeu@meitzeu.com 有的玩的, 我会告诉您!
Laugh is all I have and guess what?! I have a new laptop to pay with! So glad to have it finally!
By the way, if you are activist KK Bloggers, please email you details to meitzeu@meitzeu.com (Eg. Your name, Blog link, Instagram, Contact No. and etc!)
See you in few days! Cheers!