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桂林 (GuiLin), 中国 (China) : 这就是桂林! Conquering GuiLin (First Day)!

中国编 - 广西,桂林市
China Part 1 - Gui Lin City of Guang Xi Region

的确像他们所说的那样, 桂林风景的确美。 从吉隆玻飞往桂林的旅程蛮顺利, 我们也开始了我们的第一站广西之旅!

From KL to GuiLin, finally we arrived the first destination. Flight was smooth and the city was beautifully sighted. :) Just to let you know, Gui Lin is truly beautiful as we heard and seen from online. A place that is worth to visit.

- 桂林 GuiLin -

桂林市位于广西壮族自治区东北部,湘桂走廊南端。东、北与湖南省相邻。湘桂铁路漓江纵贯,有321、322、323三条国道穿过。桂林是中国首批历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市,享有桂林山水甲天下之美誉。- 维基百科

Guilin is a prefecture-level city in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China, situated on the west bank of the Li River, and bordering Hunan to the north. Its name means, "Forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city. The city has long been renowned for its scenery of karst topography and is one of China's most popular tourist destinations - Wikipedia

- 龙泽茶酒坊 The First Meal in GuiLin -

享用了一些特别的中国菜色。 太极羹与茶香东波肉。真的让我们打开眼界的太极羹, 青色是磨出来的茶。

Dishes served was quite special, never tried Tai Chi Soup and the Pork braised with tea. The taste and smell certainly different from what we had usual.

- 太极羹 Tai Chi Soup -

- 茶香东波肉 Pork Braised with Tea -

- 周围的事物 The Surrounding -


From where we stayed, it looks like GuiLin such a calm place to stay. It was breezy during the trip we went in end of October, 2014.

- 市场 The Market -

让我们理解了道地的生活方式, 我们也到了附近的市场逛逛看看不一样的市场。

They say we can understand the local lifestyle through the market. We did walk to the nearest market to have a look. Gosh! Fruits were sweet and things were fresh!

- 一种果子 My mom love this -


“Lem She", a type a fruit which is easily found in China, it normally found during its season.

The fruit where we can't frequently found at our local supermarket. There were two types as what I understand, the fresh one and the preserved one as above.

- 市场 The Market -

我们的领队带着我们去买些超值的食品, 依然每次都那么风趣的领队!

Our tour guide brought us to visit there, so many goods to see and experience. Yet, so colourful.

- 那天的服装配搭 #OOTD Zara Top, Vintage sling bag from mom, River Island pants, Timberland Boots -


That's complete our day time GuiLin on the first day! Looking forward to write more on the beautiful China and Vietnam trip!

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