【雲媽出遊記】在此也记录了一些妈妈的旅游的旅程, 好让我有个空间记录提醒自己也以防万一。哈哈! 我妈也去了不少地方哦!很多时候的旅游都是一块儿去。
The first post on “Mama Vun Go Travel". Just like the title, I have a mom who love to travel just like most of us. Turkey trip was her first vacation without us family member. How cool was that?!
-土耳其 Turkey -
土耳其共和国(土耳其文:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti,英语:The Republic of Turkey)是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克接壤,西临爱琴海,并与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。土耳其地理位置和地缘政治战略意义极为重要,是连接欧亚的十字路口。- 百度百科
Turkey is a nation straddling eastern Europe and western Asia with cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Cosmopolitan Istanbul, on the Bosphorus Strait, is home to the iconic Hagia Sophia, with its soaring dome and Christian mosaics, the massive 17th-century Blue Mosque and the circa-1460 Topkapı Palace, former home of sultans. Ankara is Turkey’s modern capital. - Source
- 市中心观光 City Tour -
土耳其的旅行是雲媽第一次单人(没家里人陪伴)的旅程。 别惊讶! 当然是有年轻朋友们光照的, 好让雲媽放心, 放心。我不多说了, 以下都是雲媽所拍的照片。 风景可是一流哦! 色彩缤纷的国家也是一个开支还蛮高的国家。
Touring around Turkey, certainly Mama Vun was happy and excited. Without saying much, the followings are the photos that taken by Mama Vun. :) Do enjoy! I love the building that blending in various culture. Colourful country indeed.
- 土耳其 Turkey -
雲媽很期待购买漂亮的挂灯, 可惜她说没看到。 哎哟! 雲媽也说到土耳其一次就好, 生活费是买贵的哦。
好了, 就到此为止。
Mama Vun was complaining that she didn't bought any hanging lanterns when she was there and which she was excited about before she went to Turkey. What she bought during her trip? Figs, lamps, collectible accessories and mostly food I guess.
Okay, that's all for today on "Mama Go Travel"!