So we decided to visit Biru Biru Cafe for the fist time.

- Biru Biru 松饼 Biru Biru Waffle -
This is one of the recommended waffle in Biru Biru Cafe! I like the taste with home made coconut ice cream. As for the waffle, Biru Biru might think of not over cook with it, it was too dried when we had it. They also using Gula Melaka as the syrup, maybe they can opt for the syrup at the side and let customer add in according to preference. I guess it will taste better this way.
这是 Biru Biru 的招牌松饼, 满喜欢他们家的自家做的椰汁冰淇淋。 松饼的确有点干, 也许工作人员失水准了吧! 那个 Gula Melaka 汁是否太多了, 也许他们可以考虑令加入松饼内吧。
- 拉铁 Latte -
- 荔枝蘇打 Lychee Soda -
A bit disappointed with the fact that latte was too sweet and I think they have so much to improve in their coffee preparation. In the other hand, Lychee Soda was normal. Lychee + Soda?
拉铁饮品让我感到有一点失望, 真的很甜, 也带不出咖啡的味道。 荔枝蘇打更不用说了, 没什么不一样的。
Overall, the vintage environment by Biru Biru do fascinate me. I like the surrounding of the cafe. Will I recommend it? Yes, only for the Coconut waffle for now since I had it before. I heard their local fusion food seems interesting tho. Go try! hehe :)
Biru Biru 的简单与复古装潢是我蛮喜欢的风格。 我是否会介绍朋友呢? 也许那个椰子松饼可以值得一试! 其他的, 我也该试了, 再说吧!
Facebook : Biru Biru Cafe
Location :
Australian Place
near Gaya Street.